About Me

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Hi, let me introduce myself..I'm Vanessa, I am seriously passionate about Food and Nutrition. I have a degree Nutrition and Education, and i want to share it, i want to make a change. Armed with my knowledge, passion and experience my mission is to educate young women, on how to make healthy food choices,for life. I want to eliminate the word DIET from our vocabluary, and all the negative feelings surrounding it. I want to help promote positive body image! I want to irradicate the obsession for perfection, and societies pressures to be perfect. I want to help you to love you, and accept you for who you are inside and out. I can show you how! You can follow this blog, and my you tube channel Nutrition and Body Image by Vanessa, where i will give daily Nutrition,Health,and Body Image Master Classes - differnt topics daily! (this may take a while to set up, but i will let you all know when its up and running!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wedding Challenge Day 1

The best way to eliminate any bloated or flabby feelings you are having is to unfortuantely cut down on the carbs! Did you know that for every gram of carbohydrate you eat, be it in bread, starchy vegetables or fruit, or dairy, your body retains approx 3g of water!!! So, consider 2 pieces of bread having 24 grams of carbohydrate, you will retian roughly 72grams of extra fluid!.so over the period of a day if you eat a lot of cerals, breads, pasta and potatoes, you could easily be carrying around an extra half a kilo or so of water!!..This demonstrates why over indulging in lots of stodgy winter foods will contribute to a wobbly winter belly!

So the first step of my plan is to CARB DETOX! This lasts for 3 days.

Basically you need to eat 6 small meals worth of protein per day for the 3 days...This increases opportunity for the body to burn fat By eating protein only for this length of time the body is forced to use stored body fat. Another important fact here is to keep the metabolism burning, Eat 6 small meals, dont go without a meal for more than 3 hours, and drink around 2 to 3 litres of water per day!

An example of what to eat on one of these days

Breakfast- 2 egg omlette
Snack - Protein Shake or 50grams of ham, chicken or turkey
Lunch - 100g chicken, Ham, or Turkey, or Tuna
Snack - Protein Shake or any of the above (50g)
Dinner - Stir fryed beef (100g) soy and oyster sauce 1tbs
Snack - 50g Chicken or another protein shake!

Now this is not a long term diet, we all need carbohydrate for energy, however this process kick starts the weightloss program and helps to combat sugar cravings and hunger!

So here i go, i will keep you posted!

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